
Monday is a day off in museums


School supplies of XIX-XX centuries in the museum-reserve "Homeland of VI Lenin"

Catalog / Managing Editor IG Kotova. The author-composer Krasnova NA - Ulyanovsk: Publishing "Color-Print", 2014. - 52 p., Ill. This book contains 53 names of school supplies of the second half of XIX - XX centuries., manufactured in Russia, England, Czechoslovakia, Poland and other countries in Western Europe.

The keyboards in the collection of the Museum-Reserve "Homeland of VI Lenin"

Catalog / Managing Editor IG Kotova. The author-composer Lukashkina NA - Ulyanovsk: Publishing "Color-Print", 2014. - 40 p., Ill. The catalog introduces the collection of keyboard musical instruments in the collection of the Museum-Reserve "Homeland of VI Lenin." This book contains 10 musical instruments of the first quarter of XIX - early XX centuries, made in the Russian Empire, Germany, Latvia and the United States. Systematization of museum objects is held in accordance with the generally accepted division of keyboard instruments.

Fiery tags

Catalogue. / Managing Editor IG Kotova. The compilers: Sidelnikova TP, Fedotova NV - Ulyanovsk: Publishing "Color-Print", 2014. - 32 p., Ill. The catalog includes 24 insurance boards that are differ by accessories, shape, decoration, size, material, font and text. All of them existed in Simbirsk province. The catalog contains a brief historical background on all submitted insurance companies, as well as it is supplemented by the documents from the fund collection related to the insurance business.

Episodes of the Russian life through the eyes of Europeans. Graph of the 1 half of the XIX century, DA Atkinson, C. de Bruijn, J. Mitra in the collection of the Museum-Reserve "Homeland of VI Lenin. "

Catalog / Managing Editor IG Kotova. The author-composer Tyurina OA - Ulyanovsk: Publishing "Color-Print", 2014. - 48 p., Ill. In the catalog with the help of color illustrations and descriptions there are presented 29 prints created by European masters at the end of XVIII - XIX centuries the 1st half. This is the first edition of the museum's collection on the subject.