
Monday is a day off in museums


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In Ulyanovsk, on the basis of the State Historical and Memorial Museum "Homeland of V.I. Lenin " in the halls of the Museum "Simbirsk classical gymnasium" from 5 to 6 October 2012, there was held the all-Russian scientific-practical conference dedicated to the memory of the scientist-historian S. L. Sytin (VII Sytinsky readings) "local history of Simbirsk-Volga region: new realities and facts". The conference was organized with the support of the Association of historians of Russia. Information support of the conference was provided by the Internet portal "Museums of Russia" (

The actuality of the all-Russian scientific issues discussed at the conference every time attracts the attention of researchers of different levels. The geography of participants of the VII Sytinsky readings is extensive: Balakovo, Yelabuga, Izhevsk, Kazan, Moscow, Obninsk, Samara, Ulyanovsk and Ulyanovsk region, Cheboksary, Chelyabinsk.

The conference was attended by more than 70 experts and scientists - 8 doctors, 16 candidates, assistants, graduate students, archivists, librarians, teachers and educators, historians (including 16 employees of museums, including 11 employees of the Museum-reserve "Homeland of V. I. Lenin"), and University students.

"Local history of Simbirsk-Volga region: new realities and facts" - this scientific problem has been proposed by the organizers to discuss.

The conference program included work in 4 sections:
- "The middle Volga region and Simbirsk-Ulyanovsk region in the country's history and culture";
- Provincial society of Simbirsk-Ulyanovsk and events of regional history in letters, diaries, memoirs, literary works";
- "A historic event in the context of the contemporary Museum activity: exhibition, educational and recreational programs, museum holidays";

- Mathematical methods and information technologies in local history research".

At the plenary session, which took place on the first day of the conference they gave speeches:

Zubova I. L., associate Professor of the Department of history of Russia Ulyanovsk state University with the topic "the History of scientists' and the 'history for everybody': the determination of the historian S. L. Sytin in space of Soviet historyknowledge . After a deep and detailed performance Irina Lvovna donated the typescript with personal signature of S. L. Sytin to the Museum-reserve.

Vostrikova D. O.,a student of the faculty of Humanities and social technologies of Ulyanovsk state University, spoke on the topic "Politics of memory" in Ulyanovsk: comparative analysis" and received well-deserved applause for the conscientious and pressing report.

Makarova R. V., the head of the Department of information retrieval systems OGBU "State archive of the Ulyanovsk region" talked about the creation of a Personal Fund of S. L. Sytin (1925-2001) in the State archive of the Ulyanovsk region. She thanked fondamentale and gave them a copy of the inventory of the Fund.

At the end of the plenary session Dr. of physics-mathematical Sciences, Professor of Ulyanovsk state University Zhuravlev V. M. made a report on "Mathematics, computer science, space for history and local lore". And the report and the presentation to it have caused a great interest among the conference participants.

The appeal to history of Sytinsky readings allows you to notice the appearance of a new trend in the format of these events. It consists in considering the theoretical-methodological and common problems on the main theme of the conference in the framework of a specially organized section. Such a broad approach, which problematize and specifies a holistic vision of local history material substantially increasing its scientific and practical value, was the characteristic of the historian S. L. Sytin.

The discussion of the main topic of the conference in the problematic vein was carried out by participants of the section "the middle Volga region and Simbirsk-Ulyanovsk region in the country's history and culture’. In the section, working both days, there were heard 15 appearances.

The workshop of the section was opened by the head of the research Department of the JSC "Simbirskproject" Sveshnikova O. A. with the report "Criteria for the identification of historical and cultural value of objects of historic buildings", in the definition of which, as the writer said - "there are more questions than answers". The sharpness of the subject caused a heated discussion.

Semyikin Y. A. - candidate of historical Sciences, associate Professor of history Department of Ulyanovsk state pedagogical University. I. N. Ulyanov and Gismatullin M. R.- the head of the sector of archaeology of the Ulyanovsk regional Museum of local lore of I. A. Goncharov presented new findings and discoveries in archaeology to the participants of the section. The topic of their performance was "Archaeological sites by the lake Osinovoe in Ulyanovsk (preliminary results of the research)".

The questions on the military history is the sphere of scientific interests of the Doctor of historical Sciences, associate Professor of philosophy at Chelyabinsk state University Kuznetsov V. A., who spoke with two reports: "Aleksopolish infantry regiment in the history of Zavolzhe and Russia" and "Servicemen and colonization of the Middle Volga region in the XVII - XVIII centuries". The speaker gave exhaustive answers to all of the questions that arose during the discussion,.

The report of the leading specialist of the Department of information retrieval systems OGBU "State archive of the Ulyanovsk region" Zaitsev A. V. "History of the Mordovian people in the documents of the State archive of the Ulyanovsk region" was dedicated to the digitization of documents on this topic in the archive and their inclusion in the scientific revolution.

With great interest about the little known facts of history it was listened to the speech of the researcher of the Museum complex "Earth and Sky" of the Museum-reserve "Homeland of V. I. Lenin," Petrushina E. A. "Productivity in Simbirsk province in the late XIX - early XX century, depending on meteorological conditions.

Keen interest among the audience was aroused by the speech of history and social science teacher of Oskinskaya secondary school Kazakov A. A. "Regional compositions of V. E. Krasovsky as a source in the study of trade of Eastern goods on the territory of the various counties of Simbirsk province in the first half of the nineteenth century".

Koltsov S.S, the assistant of the State Secretary - Deputy Minister of education of the Ulyanovsk region, OGKU "Centre for development of education of the Ulyanovsk region" dedicated his speech to the topic "micro-history through the lens of archival documents (on the example of the village of Shemalakovo of Buinsk county in Simbirsk province)".

The report of the candidate of historical sciences Porozova A. D. "the health level and medical service in Simbirsk province in the second half of XIX - early XX century" drew attention by the depth of material presentation.

A lot of questions and their active discussion was caused by the report of the postgraduate student of the Department of regional studies and international relations of Ulyanovsk state University Dolmatov A. A. "the Relationship of the Orthodox clergy of Simbirsk province and the peasantry in the revolutionary 1917".

The speech on "the History of motorsports in Ulyanovsk region in the biography of one of the athlete's" of the student of the faculty of Humanities and social technologies Ulyanovsk state University Lunin D.I, was accompanied by a display of a large number of photos that can become the start of a big research on the topic of "Ulyanovsk sport"

The participants of the section asked questions, there was an active discussion of answers and comments. The workshop was fruitful and of great benefit.

The section "Provincial society of Simbirsk-Ulyanovsk and events of regional history in letters, diaries, memoirs, literary works" carried out its work during the two days of the conference. During this time there were presented 18 of 28 of the requested reports.

All the reports are of great scientific interest. There was introduced a large number of unknown and inaccessible to Ulyanovsk historians and researchers documentary sources and literature from the collections of archives, museums, libraries and private collections. A new perspective on existing and widely used scientific reference materials and literature is offered.

It is worth noting the high level of reports submitted by USU students and devoted to the scientific heritage of Ulyanovsk historians S. L. Sytin and A. I. Stetsenko.

From the participant of the section, historian, candidate of philosophical sciences Petrov S. B. there was received an offer on addressing to the Government of the Ulyanovsk region on the establishment, according to the example of adjacent regions of the Middle Volga region, of a Scientific research Institute, with the purpose of coordination and direction of efforts of researchers from different fields of the Humanities related to the history and culture of Simbirsk-Ulyanovsk region.

Materials on all the heard reports may be recommended for publication in the collection of a sourcebook on the results of VII Sytinsky readings.

In the plan of performances of the section "Historical event in the context of the contemporary Museum activity: exhibition, educational and recreational programs,museum holidays" there were defined 8 reports. Together, they presented a serious slice of the activity of a contemporary museum, all its varied and diverse range of work.

Scientific approaches to the problem of inclusion of preschoolers to the museum sounded in the speech "Formation of interest to a museum as a condition of preschoolers inclusion to the regional historical and cultural values" of the assistant of the Department of early childhood education of Ulyanovsk state pedagogical University of I. N. Ulyanov Kharitonova A. A.

History and analysis of the development of exhibitions in Simbirsk was considered in the presentation "the First Simbirsk exhibitions and museums: plans, designs, and realities" of the researcher of the Museum "Fire protection of Simbirsk-Ulyanovsk Museum-reserve "Homeland of V. I. Lenin," Chaplanova M. A.

A serious scientific collecting work became the subject of consideration in the speeches: "Memorial exhibition in historical retrospective" of an honored worker of culture of the Ulyanovsk region, the head of the House-Museum of V. I. Lenin, OGAUK "Lenin’s memorial’ of Bryilyaeva T. M., "43x45". ‘To the history of one finding" of the head of the Museum "Fire protection of Simbirsk-Ulyanovsk Museum-reserve "Homeland of V. I. Lenin", Telegina I. A., "an Exhibition of the architect S.M. Gorbunov in the museum of urban planning and architecture of Simbirsk-Ulyanovsk" the head of the museum complex "urban planning and architecture of Simbirsk-Ulyanovsk Museum-reserve “Homeland of V. I. Lenin", Zubkova N.L., "International relations of Simbirsk Chuvash school" the researcher of the museum "Simbirsk Chuvash school of the Museum-reserve "Homeland of V. I. Lenin" Trifonova A. C.

Undoubtedly, any activity of a museum is directed to serious work with the audience - the people of our city in the first place. The formation of interest to a museum, creation of platforms for creativity, and most important the intellectual, spiritual education – that is the mission of the museum staff and they implement it in their particular daily activities. In her speech "the System of work with gifted children in the Museum ‘National education of Simbirsk province in the 70 - 80s of the XIX century," the Museum Director of ‘National education of Simbirsk province in the 70 - 80s of the XIX century" of the museum-reserve "Homeland of the V. I. Lenin," Krasnova, E. L. acquainted the participants with a serious, science-based, systematic and, clearly, the creative workshop of the museum and the community of citizens in the system of work with gifted children. The significance of the exhibition and exposition of the work sounded in more than half of the presentations (Chaplanova M. A., Bryilyaeva T. M., Telegina I. A., Zubkova N. L., Trifonova A. S.), which once again confirms the importance of traditional museum work.

An emotional performance "Interactivity as a new technology of educational activities in the museum” of the researcher IEC "Life, trade and crafts of the Simbirsk province” of the museum-reserve "Homeland of V. I. Lenin," Berkutova T.G., on the issue of interactivity in educational activities of the museum completed a clearly organized workshop to the appointed time, and the words "...and all we have is easily obtained" was a perfect illustration of work of young employees in the staff of the Museum-reserve.

All of the presented reports were relevant, had practical orientation - the creation of new museum expositions and improvement of existing, organization of research work of museums, introduction to the scientific revolution of the new historical sources.

For the first time in a separate section there was pointed such a research area of mathematical science as – “Mathematical methods and information technologies in local history research". Its work was intended to draw attention to the complex interdisciplinary research, to acquaint the audience with the authors, developing standard methods in the description of the humanitarian problems, to expand such studies in the future.

The workshop was attended by teachers and students of Ulyanovsk state University. They are representatives of the physical engineering faculty of high technologies (specialty of physical flow) and the faculty of Humanities and social technologies (specialty "history"). The presentations provoked a lively discussion.

The basic ideology of implication of formal, mathematical-logical methods in the Humanities, like history, was presented in a plenary report by the Doctor of physico-mathematical Sciences, Professor of Ulyanovsk state University Viktor Zhuravlev. The discussion continued in the sectional report " Economy of knowledge ", where on the example of the economic concepts there was shown the process of creation and development of mathematical models and the use of similar methods of physico-mathematical models. There was introduced a number of concepts ("number of values", "allocation of values", "equal and unequal exchange"), considered the types of distribution of property in the communist, tyrannical societies, in the intermediate variations. There was considered the exchange of values, there were allocated equal and unequal exchange. It was pointed on the special role of laws of conservation and the need for their search in modeling. By the analogy of the law of conservation of momentum there was formulated the law of conservation of values.

In his report "Acceleration of the historical process: facts and models" V. M. Zhuravlev considered a well-known fact of reducing of the time intervals between the key technical inventions (e.g., wheel), radically changing technology, management. There was tested a similar dependence for the key historical events of Russia (the baptism of Russia, the battle of Kulikovo). Contemporary events also fit the graphical image of dependance (straight line). The schedule of a monotonically decreasing function crosses the x-axis approximately in the 2020's, that indicates a global historical transition. A hypothesis is proposed to explain the acceleration by the change of the mindset of the person, awareness of his historical experience, historical reflection.

Among others there was also distinguished the report "Analysis of cognitive maps of the city of Ulyanovsk" made by the candidate of historical Sciences, Professor of Ulyanovsk state University Dmitry V. Rusin. This is one of the first works on cognitive mapping which had been applied to our city. The speaker spoke about cognitive cartography, the history of western and local research on the perception of the city, the methodology of the study. The report presents the results of a survey among students-historians, concerning the construction of cognitive (mental) maps of Ulyanovsk. There were shown the examples of Ulyanovsk cognitive maps. Appling to the survey results about the Ulyanovsk there were introduced the concept of nodes, centers, boundaries, areas, etc. There were selected the model views about inhabitant areas, transport routes. The author notes that the group of respondents was narrow (only students), that’s why the mentioning of educational institutions was excluded from the analyses. The expansion of the respondents is planned.

The report "Use of geographic information systems in the historical study of local lore" of the candidate of physical-mathematical Sciences, Professor of Ulyanovsk state University V. V. Samoilov dealt with the geographic information system of the company OJSC NPK “REKOD" (results of space activities), Moscow, and with the activities of the space services Center of Ulyanovsk state University. Geoportal USU is available. Center staff teaches students, graduates, teachers (physics, ecologists, historians) to create a thematic map layers and their use in scientific and educational activities. There was presented a thematic map "Educational institutions of Simbirsk".

Such a map has been created for illustrative purposes and for the report of V.V Samoilov "Modeling of military actions during the siege of Simbirsk in 1670 by Stepan Razin". The report continues a program of joint study of the historical building of the city and the pages of military history of 1670. There have been collected textual mention of the geography and geometry of the Kremlin fortress, suburb, defense line. Comprehensively there are examined the plans of the town, mentionings of the events of the siege of Simbirsk by the troops of S. Razin and F. Sheludyak, military traditions of regular troops and Cossacks. There was highlighted the map binding of sites of historical development of Simbirsk. There were considered the kinetic theoretical-probability models of lanchester type applying to the modeling of hostilities in 1670.

The students of Ulyanovsk state University Tyurina Anna Aleksandrovna and Ufarkina Natalia Vyacheslavovna presented a survey report: "Course of "Modelling of humanitarian processes". It discussed the training course, which is read on engineering and physical USU faculty and the research of students of local lore and history on the theme of the spring semester of 2011-2012 academic year. Students master the mathematical formalism suitable for describing difficultly formalised areas with a high proportion of the influence of subjective factors (probability theory and mathematical statistics, differential equations, stochastic processes). During the development of the methodology of mathematical modeling they are actively used analogies with the known physical models. In studies of 2011-2012 they were raised the issues of modeling of the Simbirsk fires 1864, recognition of historical figures on the mass or bad photos, traffic simulation with cellular automats, using of variations of scheduling when analyzing the construction of Simbirsk, Simbirsk-Belgorod defense line, Volga railway bridge, demographic studies, others.

6 reports of the 9 announced for the conference program were presented . Questions from nonpresented messages were discussed in other reports and in free communication on the sidelines. They referred to the mathematical modeling of Simbirsk fires of 1864 and work of Ulyanovsk transport (development of the tram network).

Summarizing the results in work of the section it should be noted that its work aroused great interest, especially the presentation of the candidate of historical Sciences, Professor of Ulyanovsk state University Rusin D. V. "Analysis of cognitive maps of the city Ulyanovsk”.

On the first day of the conference at the Museum "Simbirsk classical gymnasium" there took place the opening of the exhibition "Virtual Simbirsk", dedicated to the lost architectural monuments of cultic architecture. The creators of the exhibition invited the participants to fill in the questionnaires on recreating the sites shown at the exhibition.

On the second day of the conference there were presented the workshops of the Director of Samara literary-memorial Museum of M.Gorky, senior lecturer of the Department of theory and history of culture of Samara state University, expert of the grant competition of museum projects "Changing Museum in a changing world" L. M. Savchenko. High professionalism and enthusiasm of the speaker did not leave anybody indifferent.

All the reports presented at the conference will be in the near future published in the soursebook of the VII Sytinsky readings.


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