
Monday is a day off in museums


Ulyanovsk on the basis of the State historical and memorial Museum-reserve (GIMMS) "homeland of V. I. Lenin" from 19 to 21 November 2009,there was hosted the all-Russian scientific-practical conference "Classical liberal education: history and perspective". The conference dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Simbirsk classical school, which opened in 1809, was held together with the regional branch of the Russian society of intellectual history (ROI). It has completed a number of jubilee events dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Museum-reserve "the birthplace of V. I. Lenin". The conference was attended by more than 40 experts and scientists (including members of the regional offices of ROI) from Belgorod, Volgograd, Kizlyar, Moscow, Nizhny Tagil, Omsk, Perm, Ryazan, S.-Petersburg, Samara, Stavropol, Syktyvkar, Tobolsk, Cheboksary, Chelyabinsk, Cherepovets, Ulyanovsk.

The performance of conference participants made in sections, can be divided into three main blocks, presentatively associated with each other (when one set of questions includes all the others): "the history of the Simbirsk classical school", "History of pre-revolutionary schools of Russia in figures", "History of education in our country."

The first thematic block of the conference is the history of the Simbirsk classical gymnasium in various aspects. The history of the provincial gymnasium manifests itself as a kind of integrity, expressing and reflecting the history of education and the history of Russia as a whole. L. M. Artamonova, Doctor of hstorical Sciences, Professor, the head of the Department of history of Russia (Samara state Academy of culture and arts) presented in details the Simbirsk main public school as a precursor of the classical school. I. F. Makeeva,the head of th Museum "Simbirsk classical gymnasium" GEMS "homeland of V.I. Lenin," revealed the history of the Simbirsk gymnasium (1809-1918) in the context of the educational policy of the Russian state. S. B. Petrov, PhD, associate Professor (Ulyanovsk state University) described the building of Simbirsk provincial gymnasium from the standpoint of social topology as a remarkable place. C. A. Stavsky, Ph.D (Director of the Gymnasium №1, Ulyanovsk), analyzed the educational process in modern Gymnasium №1 from the position of use of the experience of the Simbirsk classical gymnasium. The youngest researchers - members of the scientific circle of gymnasium №1 shared their. results of the scientific research with participants.

A special individually-unique and inimitable covering of the topic of the history of the Simbirsk classical school was given by its consideration involving the biographical method with the regard to the achievements of modern personal history and the history of mentalities. R. V. Kuznetsova, PhD (Director of the memorial House-Museum of academician I. V. Kurchatov, Russian research center "Kurchatov Institute" in Moscow) presented to the participants of the conference the report “I. V. Kurchatov and Simbirsk classical gymnasium". She presented to the Museum "Simbirsk classical gymnasium" an expensive gift - a samovar and a chest that belonged to the Kurchatov family during its stay in Simbirsk in the beginning of the last century. There were also given the books about I.V.Kurchatov and his brother – a famous scientist B. V. Kurchatov, that were published by the scientific center "Kurchatov Institute". E. K. Bespalova, the head of the research Department of the State historical and memorial Museum-reserve "the birthplace of V. I. Lenin", reviewed a biography of M.M. Carniolan-Pinsky, who passed the way from a teacher of Simbirsk gymnasium to the Senator emphasizing the multidimensionality of his personality on the basis of its assessments by contemporaries. I. C. Smirnova, research associate of the Museum of I. A. Goncharov - a branch of the Ulyanovsk regional Museum of I. A. Goncharov, have traced the connections of two generations of the family Goncharov with the Simbirsk classical gymnasium.

A kind of culmination of historical theme in Simbirsk classical gymnasium became the grand opening of the exhibition "Two centuries of provincial gymnasium" and the presentation of the electronic version of bibliographical dictionary "Graduates and students of Simbirsk gymnasium 1809-1918 gg.", the material for which, that is more than 2,000 personalities, has been collected by the scientific staff of the museum "Simbirsk classical gymnasium" for over 15 years in the archives of Moscow, St. Petersburg. Kazan, Ulyanovsk. S.V Borisova, a scientific research associate of the Museum "Simbirsk classical gymnasium" GHMMR "Homeland of VI Lenin" told about NN Knorring, a graduate of the Simbirsk school, who became one of the most prominent representatives of the intellectual elite of Russian post-revolutionary emigration. The information about him was included in the advertised dictionary.

In the second thematic block of Conference the history of pre-revolutionary Russian school unfolded in the personal dimension with the involvement of private sources of origin - memoirs, diaries, letters, manuscripts litter and dedicatory inscriptions on the books, and others. The personal approach made it possible to see the effect of the personal factor in education. Exactly with the personal factor, with the manifestation of the individual qualities of human activity in modern historical the scholarship binds the acceptance of the alternative history and the amortization, and often the break of its deterministic straightness, largely dependent on the freedom of a personal choice of the people in the history, including the historian himself engaged in the research practice and included in the present situation. Recognized as the most interesting performances were: LA Sapchenko, Doctor of Philology Sciences, Professor (Ulyanovsk State. University), on the heritage of NM Karamzin in the upper secondary school education (on memoirs and archival sources); VA Sukaylo, Ulyanovsk regional specialist, about the unknown letter of I. I. Dmitriev to the director of the Simbirsk gymnasium; Y. V. Lazarev, PhD of ped. Sciences, Associate Professor (Ryazan State University of Esenin SA) about methodists of language and literature in the discussion about the real and classical education (60 years of XIX century) "; M. P Lepekhina, senior researcher of the sector of history of books of the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg, on the topic "Mikhail Dmitrievich Belyaev - diarist (the 125th anniversary of his birth)"; LM Bruhovich, the main bibliographer of Ulyanovsk Regional Scientific Library of V. I Lenin, "Through the pages of the diary of the schoolboy of Simbirsk gymnasium - Grigoriev Mikhail Fedorovich."

The history of education in our country in the third thematic unit of reports chronologically covered the period from the second third of the XVIII century to the present. The preference of the researchers was given to the study of education in pre-revolutionary Russia in the late XIX - early XX centuries. and to a lesser extent there presented an appeal to the issues of formation of the Soviet education system, while during the indicated time intervals rapidly, but on different ideological and political grounds there was carried out the modernization of education. It was shown in some detail the activities of primary and secondary schools for different social and ethnic groups of the population of the Volga region, the Urals, the North Caucasus in the late XIX - early XX centuries; The authors have raised the questions about the content and quality of education, punishment / reward and a state of psychological climate, value orientations of students / teachers and their daily lives, public funding of schools and others. The reports acknowledged as deserved the special attention were: Y.N.Smirnova, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of History (Samara State University), "Creation of the first schools in the implementation of policy of development of Samara Zavolzhje in the second third of the XVIII century"; V.A. Kuznetsov, Candidte of Historical sciences, assistant professor of philosophy (Chelyabinsk State. University), "The origin and evolution of the Cossack schools in Orenburg Cossack army";G.A. Melnichuk, a member of the Writers' Union of Russia, the Union of Russian Regional Studies, an employee of the Department of Regional History and Local History (Russian State Humanitarian University) "Education in Simbirsk on the materials from periodicals from the middle of the XIX century"; NV Lipatova, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor (Ulyanovsk State. University) "The specified path of the" free flight ": a comparative analysis of training of teachers in pre-revolutionary and Soviet Russia"; SG Sizov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Political Science (Siberian State. Automobile and Road Academy), "Orel Seminary and the worldview of its students in the years before the Revolution"; I.E. Syvoplyas, scientific associate of GHMMR "Homeland of VI Lenin "," Conduite lists of Simbirsk gymnasium on GAUR the funds. "

In the studies on the history of education there also was noticed the topic of expansion of the educational environment through libraries. How the library space was being organized and worked in pre-revolutionary pedagogical and educational practice has been the subject of the research staff of the Ulyanovsk Regional Scientific Library of V.I. Lenin: M.I. Tikhonova, L.M. Bruhovich, V.M. Patutkina. SN Ivashkin, PhD of cultural studies, Methodist of the Centralized Library System №3 of the Central Administrative District of Moscow, reported on the modern library of educational programs and their role in the classical liberal education. The museums, updated their concepts, managed to consolidate along with libraries in modern educational space. The conference participants not only had the opportunity to hear the message of teachers about their experience of cooperation with museums, but also directly get acquainted with educational programs for children and students of 15 museums.) ,included in GHMMR "Homeland of V.I. Lenin "(" Education in Simbirsk province in 70-80 of XIX c. ", " Simbirsk Chuvash school. Apartment of I.J. Yakovlev ", " Simbirsk photography ", historical-ethnographic complex "Simbirsk Trade and Crafts "and others.

The materials of the conference make a reliable empirical foundation for further in-depth understanding of the problem of education. Moreover, as it was noted in the speech of I.L. Zubova, PhD. Phil. Sciences, Associate Professor (Ulyanovsk State. University), education is not only a specialized social institution, but also the phenomenon penetrating in all the spheres of our life, when a person is formed as a human being, creating new meanings. Thus education inevitably becomes humanitarian and sensecreation is treated as the highest form of social renewal. In its turn, the social renewal in the space-time dimension "here-and-now" is a new understanding of historicity. Therefore, the knowledge of history and intellectual history plays a special role in the humanization of society, science and schools.

Modern educational model "School of understanding (communicative didactics)", built on a strategy of sensecreation and understanding was developed by U.L. Troitsky – candidate of hist. sciences, Associate Professor of the department of History and Theory of humanities, deputy director of the Institute of Philology and History of Russian State Humanitarian University. He’s an author of more than 80 works, including the teaching of history (collections of "Communicative Pedagogy: from the School of knowledge to the School of understanding ", "Prospects of the historical and cultural education in high school and school: theory and Practice" and others.) acquainted the participants of the conference and specially invited teachers, trainers, students with his innovative model of education. The principal difference between the "School of understanding" from the traditional pedagogical models is to shift from broadcast and playback of the ready knowledge, to creating the conditions (education environment) for self-education and self-development of students. The diversity of the conference program was made by a presentation by U.L. Troitsky of the multimedia product - developing educational program "My history of Russia." The program of the conference was completed wit a master class by U.L Troitsky on the innovation system of historical education ("history without textbooks") on the basis of the Lyceum of physics, mathematics, IT number 40 for teachers, trainers and students, which caused a lively discussion.

All the reports stated in the conference program will be published in the near future by the Museum "Homeland of V.I. Lenin " in the conference proceedings.


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