
Monday is a day off in museums

Documentary fund

A certificate oo graduation from Simbirsk the 6th primary school of Bodrostin M

PB 943 DF 6

1887. paper, manuscript, beetle. 44x35,2. St.Un-1

A certificate on graduation from Simbirsk 5th female school of Arnoldova Maria Ivanovna

PB 942 DF 6

1883. paper, manuscript, beetle. 22,2x35. St.Un-1

Document of Ryinin N.A. about his election as a member of the Russian Astronomical society

PB 865 DF 32

Petrograd. 1916. paper, manuscript, beetle. 53x40,8. St.Un-1

Certificate of recognition of the student of class 1 of the Simbirsk gymnasium Apraksin Vladi-mir

PB 818 DF 2

Simbirsk. 12 December 1906 paper, manuscript, beetle. 53x41. St.Un-1

Certificate of recognition of the student of class V of the Simbirsk gymnasium Kharitonov Alexey

PB 817 DF 2

Simbirsk. 12 December 1907 paper, manuscript, beetle. 53x35,5. St.Un-1

Certificate of recognition of the student of class IV of the Simbirsk gymnasium Ilya Bernic

PB 778 DF 2

Simbirsk. 12 December 1901 paper, manuscript, beetle. 53,2x35,7. St.Un-1

Certificate of recognition of the student of class VI of the Simbirsk gymnasium Ilya Bernic

PB 777 DF 2

Simbirsk. 1902-1903 paper, manuscript, beetle. 53,3x41,7. St.Un-1