
Monday is a day off in museums


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Mikhail Petrovich Korinfsky (1788-1851) is one of the major architects of classicism, who worked in the Russian provinces, and received wide recognition, who experts consider as one of the most outstanding architects of the Volga region. He was born in Arzamas in the family Philistine, he studied at the Academy of Arts at the famous academician A. N. Voronikhin. Among his most famous architectural projects there are Resurrection Cathedral in his home town of Arzamas, the Cathedral of the Georgian Mother of God in the Raifa monastery in Kazan, the complex of buildings of Kazan University and Holy Trinity Cathedral in Simbirsk. In addition, Michael Korinfsky was closely associated with Nizhny Novgorod, Penza, Simbirsk and other cities of the Volga region, which are still decorated with the magnificent buildings built according to his designs.

More than eight years, from November 1823 until 1832, his life was connected with Simbirsk. This period of time has become a bright page in the creative biography of the great master. According to his projects in Simbirsk they were built: Trinity Cathedral, the building of Specific offices, as well as a number of buildings on the territory of the Simbirsk province - complex of trading stalls in the County town of Carsun, the Church in the village of Arkhangelskoe - Shigonyi in Sengileevsky County, the majestic Church in the village Platino of Karsunsky County (now inzensky district), there was developed the project of reconstruction of the building of gymnasium in Simbirsk. For the project of Simbirsk Cathedral in 1825 he was awarded the title of "appointed’ to the academician of the Academy of arts, and in 1830 was approved at the rank of a real academician. For all that, he, unfortunately, has been undeservedly overlooked by posterity, still his scientific biography hasn’t been published, the whole of his creative legacy hasn’t been collected.

To fill in the gaps in the study of the life and work of a famous architect and to pay tribute to him on 27 September at the Museum "Simbirsk classical gymnasium" there was held an all-Russian scientific-practical conference "Architect Michael Korinfsky. 225 years since the birth". The initiative of convening a scientific forum belongs to Alexander Kapitonov and headed by him the Architectural Studio "Simbirskproject".

The idea of holding the conference was strongly supported by the Museum-reserve "Homeland of V. I. Lenin," because, according to the words of the Director of the Museum-reserve Irina Kotova, “Ulyanovsk will be the only city which so seriously will celebrate the anniversary of the architect".

The aim of the conference was systematization and popularization of the information about the life and work of the master of classicism Mikhail Petrovich Korinfsky. In this regard, during the conference program there have been discussed some unexplored aspects of the life and work of the architect, urgent problems of conservation and use of his architectural and cultural heritage, conservation and restoration of historical and architectural complexes, the discussion of perpetuating his memory. To do this Ulyanovsk was attended by architects and architectural historians, scientists, art historians, journalists, archivists, museum professionals from Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Arzamas, Kazan, Samara. All together they are admirers of talent and heritage of the architect M. P. Korinfsky, people, indifferent to the preservation of buildings designed by the wizard which have become the monuments long ago.

The conference was attended by 25 experts. Among the honored guests and participants of the conference there can be called a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of architecture and construction Sciences, Honorary member of the Russian Academy of arts, laureate of State prize of the Russian Federation Evgeniya Ivanovna Kirichenko (Moscow).

Museum-reserve "Homeland of V. I. Lenin," at the conference was represented by its Director Irina Kotova, who presented a paper "Project of the Trinity Cathedral in Simbirsk in the context of competitive projects of the temple of Christ the Savior in Moscow”; the head of the Museum "Simbirsk classical gymnasium" Irina Fedorovna Makeeva who got acquainted the audience with the message "the Project of reconstruction of the building of Simbirsk provincial gymnasium, architect M. P. Korinfsky"; the head of the research Department Elena Konstantinovna Bespalova, who announced her new developments on the topic "Participation of the architect M. P. Korinfsky in social activities of Simbirsk society of the early nineteenth century". The texts of the speeches of our employees, as well as of other members of the scientific forum will be included in the proceedings of this conference, which will be released next spring, 2014.

The moderator of the conference was the Head of the Department of regulation of urban planning activities of the Department of control, supervision and licensing in the field of cultural heritage of the Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation Andrey Nikiforov (Moscow). Summing up, he expressed the opinion about the necessity of a consistent preservation of architectural objects created by Michael Korinfsky, and about restoration of the headstone on his grave, which, according to the family legend, was designed by the architect himself.

Finishing the conference, and summing up the results of its work, A. M. Kapitonov noted that "this is a good occasion to refer to his personality and heritage. We are confident that our conference will give a new impulse to the study and preservation of the art of Korinfsky".

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