
Monday is a day off in museums


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In Ulyanovsk, on the basis of the State Historical and Memorial Museum "Homeland of V.I. Lenin " from 21 to 22 October 2010 there was the International scientific-practical conference dedicated to the memory of the scientist S.L Sytin (VI Sytinsky readings)" Man and History: variations on the topic”. The conference was organized together with the Ulyanovsk regional branch of the Russian Society of intellectual history, with the support of the Union of Russian ethnographers.

For the sixth time Ulyanovsk land gathered the leading scholars and historians, literary critics, museum workers, philosophers, archivists, librarians and local historians. The urgency of the problems discussed at the conference of the All-Russian scientific sounding every time attracts the attention of researchers at various levels. The geography of participants of VI Sytinsky readings is extensive. The conference was attended by over 80 experts and scholars from near and far abroad, as well as from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vladimir, Kazan, Samara, Kemerovo, Khanty-Mansiysk, Cheboksary, Chelyabinsk, Ulyanovsk.

"Man and History: variations on the topic" - this scientific problem was proposed by the organizers for discussion. The conference program included work on sections: "Man in different dimensions", "History of the Simbirsk Volga region in the lives of its well-known, little-known and unknown figures"; "Genealogy of the nobility, merchants, petty-bourgeois and peasant names of Simbirsk-Volga region"; "The historical personality in the museum exposition. Experience and prospects of cooperation of the museum and educational institutions. "

At the plenary session, which took place on the first day of the conference, there performed an old friend of the Museum-Reserve, Ph.D., professor, chief researcher at the Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences A.V. Superanskaya with the report "Superanskie after Simbirsk." The performance of the researcher from Switzerland of Philip Ranka "The image of Lenin for the Russian people", which was made possible through an online connection with the Lausanne was interesting.

The appeal to the history of Sytinsky readings allows you to notice the appearance of a new tendency in the format of these events. It consists in considering the theoretical-methodological and common problems on the main topic of the conference in the framework of a specially organized section. Such a broad approach, problematic and specifing a holistic vision of the local history material substantially increasing its scientific and practical value, was the characteristic of the historian S. L. Sytin.

The discussion of the main topic of the conference in the problematic vein was carried out by participants of the section "People in various dimensions. Philosophers, historians, culturologists, lawyers as the experienced and newcomers scientists and students of the upper courses in the thesis and the reports which were sent and made in the section, were able to fulfill the main task - to show the multidimensionality and different sides of a Person in History and their rootedness, based on different philosophical and scientific positions. The conceptual schema, absorbing currently known including also presented at the conference options of connectedness of Man and History was proposed by T.N. Brysina, Doctor of philosophical Sciences, Professor (USTU). According to this scheme until the late nineteenth century the problem of a human in philosophy and science was expressed by consistent explication of his nature and essence based on the "idea of history", expressed by the classical principle of historicism. It was spoken about the historicity of a person in different ways: a political person, a reasonable man, an economic man, a social man, a man who plays, a symbolic person and others. Since the late nineteenth century, there formed the idea of the historicity of a person that put into question the very existence of human nature. People and History are formed simultaneously and jointly and each time again and again, and the task of the Humanities becomes the explication of the new subject - the historicity of a man and humanity in the history (in contrast to the former subject - a person in history).

The theme of historicism of a person in different variants dominated in the reports of:
- O. U. Markovtseva, PhD, Director of the Center for socio-ethnic studies, Professor at the Department of philosophy and cultural studies ( UTTU of I. N. Ulyanov), applied to the history of the family of Geiden in Russia and sometimes the manifestation acquiring mystical character of the hidden forces of this kind;

- N. A. Gilmutdinova, candidate of philosophical Sciences, assistant Professor (USTU), who treated optimism and pessimism as an expression of the character of the epoch and mindsets;

- A. U. Tikhonova, doctor of culturology, the head of the Department of the history of the Fatherland (USU) who focused on the influence of personality on contemporary cultural-historical process on the basis of the material of Simbirsk-Ulyanovsk Volga region;

- M. C. Varushin, the 5th year student of the law faculty (USU) investigated the understanding and interpretation of a human citizen in the socio-political views of the Decembrists;

- G. P. Sidorova, candidate of historical Sciences, assistant Professor (USTU) investigated a human in Soviet culture through technology and ethics of interpersonal interactions;

- N. V. Lipatova, candidate of Hist. Sciences, assistant Professor (USU) and P.N., Matushin PhD (ChSU of I. N. Ulyanov) were able to identify the transformation of the "heroes" to "anti-heroes" as a result of appealing to the visual and stylistic techniques of their image in the press of the 1920-ies and the study of political biographies of the period of the "Great terror".

The question of the historicity of Person was presented in the reports of:
- I. L. Zubova, candidate of philosophical Sciences, assistant Professor (USU) through the study of the dynamics of scientific knowledge;

- A. A. Dolmatova, graduate student (USU), applied to the concept of creative calling of N. A. Berdyaev;

- V. A. Akhmerov, student of the 5th course (USU), who linked the scientific creativity and originality of the concepts of the Christianization of Rus of historians N. M. Nikolsky, A. V. Kartashov, I. J. Frojanov with originality and uniqueness of their personal life and character;
- E. V. Badaev, candidate of historical Sciences, assistant Professor (Kemerovo state University) presented the novelty of ideas on the issue of human orientalist N. I. Konrad.
- D. G, Platseva, 5th year student (USU) revealing the theoretical and methodological features of the research on the military-historical anthropology, in fact, showed that a new approach to the study of war comes from the realization of humanity's history.
- M. F. Ershov, candidate of historical Sciences, associate Professor (Yugra state University, Khanty-Mansiysk) tied the human dimension of history with the transformation of provincial culture.

When discussing the reports the participants of the section formulated a number of methodological attitudes and principles that create conditions for the explication of the historicity of man and humanity history in their inexhaustible many - different-dimensions.

In the section "History of Simbirsk Volga region in the biographies of its famous, little-known and unknown figures’ which worked during both days, there were presented 14 speeches. New information about the participation of the armed forces of the Simbirsk region in the Patriotic War of 1812, the 200th anniversary of which will be celebrated, contained in the speech of the candidate of historical Sciences, associate Professor of philosophy of ChSU of V. A. Kuznetsov. The speech of the candidate of philosophical Sciences, Professor of USU S. B. Petrov "Stolypins and their descendants in Simbirsk Volga region" ended with an offer of the reconstruction of the monument to P. A. Stolypin near the Palace of books in Ulyanovsk and of the transfer of the bust of I. A. Goncharov in front of the building of the Drama theatre. Interesting information about the activities of merchants Aktchuriny on the territory of the Simbirsk province in the first half of the nineteenth century contained in the speech of the teacher A. A. Kazakov of the college of industrial technology and law in Inza .

The keen interest among the audience was aroused by the speech of the journalist from Balakovo U. U. Kargin, "How did Chapaev die? The mythology of death." G. A. Melnichuk, the member of the Union of writers and the Union of historians of Russia presented the new sources from the Russian State archive of ancient acts on the economic description of Simbirsk of 1850s. Brilliantly gave a speech the guest from Moscow, doctor of historical Sciences, Professor of Russian state University of L. A. Molchanov with the theme of "Ideological bureaucracy of Komuch". The Head of the Department of the history of librarianship in Ulyanovsk regional scientific library of V. I. Lenin V. M. Patutkina dedicated the speech to the national library open in memory of L. V. Persiyaninov in the village B. Chilim. With great interest about the little known facts of history they listened to the speech of the candidate of historical Sciences, senior lecturer of the Department of museology of the historical faculty, USPU of I. N. Ulyanov E. A. Burdin "Volgostroi of the assistant Emelyanova". The participants asked questions, there was an active discussion of answers and comments. The workshop was fruitful and of great benefit.

For the first time in a separate section there was dedicated such a scientific direction of historical science as genealogy "Genealogy of the nobility, merchants, petty-bourgeois, peasant families of Simbirsk-Volga region". Section worked on the second day of the conference on 22 October, for discuss there were stated 15 speeches. Changes in the socio-political life of the country that occurred in the 1990s, have caused an unprecedented raise of interest in genealogical and biographical information. Today no one doubts the fact that a full study of the historical process is not possible without genealogical search. The story is primarily the story of its creators - people. Man as an object of research got the most important place in the historical, philosophical, literary and museological research. Appeal to genealogy and biograficy helped the researchers to collect, compile, analyze and enter into scientific circulation a great documentary array of archival sources. Thanks to this researches were filled with vivid personalities of those or other events, and not faceless masses.

The participants of the section discussed the current status of genealogy, its level in various directions with the regard of the Volga specifics. The experience of reconstruction of noble geneology was presented in the messages of the researcher of the Ulyanovsk regional Museum of I. A. Goncharov I. A. Gromova ("Stryiskyi and their descendants in the Simbirsk province), lecturer in the library science department of USU N.V.Mironova ("Geneology of Simbirsk "writer-inhabitant V. N. Nasarev"). By the depth of material presentation attention was drawn to the report of the Professor of Cheboksary Polytechnic Institute M. A. Sudakov, devoted to the problem of the noble tenure of Alatyr County in XVII-XVIII centuries. The study of the research of genealogy of the lower classes: merchants, burghers and peasants, were devoted the presentations of the leading engineer of OJSC "Avtodetail-Service" N.M. Kostin (Ulyanovsk), senior researcher of the Museum “Island-town of Sviyazhsk" E. P. Klyuchevskay (Republic of Tatarstan), candidate of medical Sciences, K. N. Sologub (Moscow), student of the historical Department of USU S.S. Koltsova (Ulyanovsk). Ulyanovsk archivists presented by the head of Department R.V. Makarova and leading specialist G. A. Jdyihanova shared experience of working with genealogical and historic-biographical information on archival collections of RSA SAUR. To some extent the sensation came through the message of the head of the Department of the Ulyanovsk regional scientific library L. U. Ivashkina dedicated to the recently discovered book collection of nobles Durasovs.

Summarizing the work of the section it should be noted that genealogical subjects play an increasing role in scientific conferences in our country and abroad. In the beginning of the XXI century genealogy is experiencing a new golden age. The subject of the reports showed a fairly high level of genealogical research in the Volga region, great scientific interest to genealogy problems at the Russian level, the potential and a great future genealogy as an independent historical discipline.

In the section "Historical figure in the Museum exposition. Experience and prospects of cooperation of museums and educational institutions" there were held 11 speeches (two co-authored). All of the presentations were very relevant, had practical orientation - the creation of new museum expositions and improvement of existing ones, organization of research work of museums, introduction to the scientific revolution of the new historical sources, sociological researches in museums. The theme of the showing of historical figures in the museum exposition is especially important for modern museums as historical science has had a paradigm shift - civilization and anthropology came to change formational approach.

The most important performances are the following:

"The concept of creation and development of the state historical-architectural and art Museum "Island - town of Sviyazhsk" (acting Director of the Museum is A. A. Tutaeva). In her speech there were articulated not only the principles of restoration and preservation of a number of objects, but also the prospects of cooperation with the local community, educational institutions of the Republic of Tatarstan, as well as the development of tourist infrastructure (hotels, transport).

"Directors of the public schools in Simbirsk province in XIX: innovators and conservatives" - Ivanov I. P., employee of USU, head of the Experimental group "Solaris", researcher of the Museum “National education of the Simbirsk province” Korchagina G.U. The Authors have applied the theory of ethnogenesis of L. N. Gumilev in historico-pedagogical researches on the analysis of the activities of three Directors of the public schools: I. V. Vishnevski, I. N. Ulyanov, I. V. Ishersky (in this case, the names are not in the order of importance but in chronological). There is proved the passionateness of I. N. Ulyanov, passionate induced harmony of I. V. Ishersky and harmony under the old system of I. V. Vishnevsky. The processes are considered in the framework of dynamical systems theory.

"Stepan Razin in Simbirsk: reconstruction of events” - a senior lecturer at the Department of theoretical physics, Ulyanovsk state University, candidate of physico-mathematical Sciences V.V. Samoilov. The author has applied the method of mathematical modeling in the Humanities, raised a number of problems, discovered a number of errors and inconsistencies in a number of studies of this subject, gave the correct definition of special terms. The question of the boundaries of Simbirsk Kremlin and the direction of the offensive units of S. Razin is important, there was given a clear analysis of the historiography of the issue and there was made a reasoned conclusion about the change of boundaries of the Kremlin in different periods (gradual reduction of its size). This study has also a practical output: the use in the educational program of the Museum "Simbirsk classical gymnasium" "History of Russia in personalities". Interdisciplinary cooperation is a necessary and promising direction of researches.

Interest was also risen by a performance of the artist-restorer of the Museum-reserve "the birthplace of V. I. Lenin," U. V. Spiridonova "Restoration of objects from the collection "architectural metal" for the reorganization of the Museum of “Architecture and urban planning of Simbirsk".

On the 21 October 2010 in the framework of the conference there was held a round table "Biography as a gloss of history or history as a gloss biography" (the presenter Nadezhda Valerevna Lipatova - candidate of historical Sciences, associate Professor of USU). The round table was attended by students, historians of the second-fourth year, the conference participants, as experts they acted the head of a research Center and General problems of the modern East Institute of Oriental studies, RAS (Moscow) Sergei Panarin, candidate of philosophical Sciences, associate Professor of USU Irina L. Zubova and a candidate of historical Sciences, Professor of USPU Natalia A. Dunaeva.

The roundtable began with gaming simulation made by the students of history, which has allowed the transition to the complex topic of discussion, the focus of which were a person and the world around him, historic environment, the question about their relationship. The participants of the round table made the way from exaggeration topics discussed in the game model to build of typologically biographies. Starting with attempts to recreate the intellectual biography of Baba Yaga, a collective biography of Ivanov-Princes in Russian fairy tales, revealing the traces of the historical era in the fairy tale about Kolobok and Turnip the participants faced with ambiguous interpretation and concluded that there is the multiplicity of concepts.

C. A. Panarin presented a visual approach to biography. A special kind of approval of an artist VS historian, that "the face on the portrait is biography". He demonstrated on the example of two visual imagery "Sentimental paintings’ and ‘Portraits and styles’ how in this frozen genre of portrait, there is shown the personal factor of the artist, the influence of the era, fashion, style, manner of writing, and how these techniques help to show itself this era and the way of life of a person.

I. L. Zubova noted the possibility of diversity in the theming and the consideration of the problem under discussion during the round table and offered some of them. She highlighted several approaches 1) ontological approach, under which the question about the ratio of "biography" and "history" is transformed into the question of the role of personality in history. In classical rationality, where time is linear, and a man is perceived as an appendage of the hidden forces of history (Moira, fate,God, infinite intelligence, the laws of social development). In non-classical rationality, which there is a time parameter called as a "real", a man himself is the agent of creation of history together with all the circumstances. He is included in story at the same time as an observer (viewer) and as a worker (actor); 2) gnoseology-methodological approach, which considers the ratio of biography and history analyzing metamorphosis of the genre of historical biography (from personal and political biographies of great people to collective intellectual biographies and biographies of ordinary people). In this approach, the biography can be presented in the form of moral instruction, catalog of exploits, attorney speech, sentence, premium sheet, a psychiatric opinion.

The work of the round table, at first, confirmed the initial hypothesis about multiple approaches to understanding of biography and of the role of a man in the history, secondly, showed the versatility of the term of biography and the fact that for the researcher the main is - attention to details, attention to the environment. We can say that the round table worked with accounting guidance, which was given to his students by Sergey Lvovich Sytin, confirming that the researcher cannot be blind and deaf to history, as every detail is absolutely important in it.

At the end of the first day of the conference at the Museum "Simbirsk classical gymnasium" there took place the opening of the exhibition "Man in the mirror of history" dedicated to famous Simbirsk citizens. The basis of the exhibition were documents, letters, photographs, personal items from the collections of the Museum-reserve "Homeland of V. I. Lenin’ and the State archive of the Ulyanovsk region.

All the reports presented at the conference will be in the near future published in the sourcebook of the sixth Sytinsky readings.


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