Museum «Mail matter of Simbirsk-Ulyanovsk»

Monday is a day off in museums

Founded 12.06.2009
Lenin street
(8422) 32-18-79, 30-09-60

The time from
Thursday from
09.00-21.00(according to schedule)
Closed on Mondays

Senior researcher
Svetlana Mikhailovna


About museum preserve

The Museum of Mail matter of Simbirsk-Ulyanovsk is located at the end of the former Moscow street, on the territory formerly owned by the Specific office (1st half of XIX - beginning of XX centuries). Until the end of the 90-ies of XX century there was a wooden wing of the gardener on the place of which in 2002 the building of the future museum was constructed.

In three small halls there is a variety of sources, reflecting the history of Simbirsk-mail from the second half of the seventeenth century to the present. Brightly and n the entertaining way there is represented the exhibition of the workers of the postal service: the drivers, station supervisors, postmasters, postmen during the great Patriotic war and our days through unique exhibits: items specified in the inventory of post offices, personal belongings and pictures of post offices, official letters and letters of ordinary Soviet citizens of 30-40-ies History, as far as its functions, is very dynamic, as in the means of delivery, both in variety and quality of services to the population. Many pages of this story will be a real discovery for visitors.