Museum-reserve "the birthplace of V.I. Lenin"

Monday is a day off in museums

Lenin street
(8422) 32-63-62

The time from
суббота, воскресенье - выходные

Director of the Museum
Irina Gennadevna

О директоре

Irina Gennadevna Kotova was appointed as Director of the Museum-reserve "the birthplace of V.I. Lenin" 25 June 2012

Kotova IG has more than thirty years of continuous work experience in the sphere of culture. From 1986 to 2004, she worked at the Ulyanovsk regional art Museum of I.A. Goncharov (as a guide, researcher, head of the Department of “Russian art”). From September 2004 Kotova IG works in the Museum-reserve "the birthplace of V.I. Lenin" first as a researcher of the Museum of “urban planning and architecture of Simbirsk-Ulyanovsk", then as a head of the Museum of “urban planning and architecture of Simbirsk-Ulyanovsk". Since may 2007 as a Deputy Director of research of the Museum-reserve.

In 2006 Irina Gennadyevna defended a thesis on "urban planning and architecture of Simbirsk of the 2 half of XVII - early XX centuries" at the research Institute of theory and history of fine arts of the Russian Academy of arts (Moscow). She is an author of 15 scientific papers published in national and regional conference proceedings, the author and editor of publications undertaken by the Museum-reserve "the birthplace of V.I. Lenin": a set of postcards "Architectural monuments of Ulyanovsk. The stone architecture of Simbirsk of the late XIX - early XX century" (Ulyanovsk, 2005), "Architectural monuments of Ulyanovsk. Wooden architecture of Simbirsk of the second half of XIX - beginning of XX century" (Ulyanovsk, 2005), catalogue of Historical and architectural monuments of Simbirsk-Ulyanovsk" (Ulyanovsk, 2006), was awarded with a diploma for the best print publication about architecture and architects of the XIV International festival "Zodchestvo - 2006". In 2007 she was nominated for the National award "Cultural heritage" for merits in the preservation, revival and promotion of the architectural heritage of Russia in the nomination "the Restorer". Since 2005 she has been a member of the Scientific-methodological Council of the cultural heritage Committee of the Ulyanovsk region.

Under the guidance and the direct participation of I.G. Kotova were opened: Museum of architecture in the age of art Nouveau in Simbirsk" (2007) exposure “Mills of Simbirsk" (2006), Museum of "Simbirsk printing" and the exhibition "the Musical culture of Simbirsk of 2 half of XIX - early XX century" (2008), Museum of Postal business of Simbirsk-Ulyanovsk" (2009), Children's Museum centre (2010), a new exposition of the Meteorological station of Simbirsk. Planetarium" (2011), Museum of Archaeology of Simbirsk region" (April 2012), Museum of Fire protection of Simbirsk-Ulyanovsk" (December 2012), the exhibition "City of letters".

Kotova IG is one of the organizers of the scientific readings devoted to S.L.Syitin - well known scientist of Ulyanovsk, teacher and local historian, the initiator of creating of the State historical and memorial preserve "the birthplace of Lenin". In 2010, the Museum-reserve together with the Society of historians of Russia and the Ulyanovsk regional branch of the Russian society for intellectual history held the Sixth all-Russian Syitinsky reading. The conference was attended by more than 50 experts and scholars from Moscow, S.-Petersburg, Cheboksary, Chelyabinsk, Ulyanovsk. The conference generated many positive reviews in the media. From January to April 2011 Kotova I.G. had the post of Minister of arts and cultural policy of the Ulyanovsk region, becoming the winner of the competition to fill this position and surpassed more than 1 800 specialists from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Ekaterinburg and other cities of the country. Being a Minister, Kotova I.G. gave a start to realization of a great project "Ulyanovsk - the cultural capital of Europe 2020". Among the priorities of her activity was to provide greater freedom for subordinate cultural institutions - both in terms of creativity and in the sphere of economic activity. Kotova IG is the author of the project "Educate a patriot!", started in March 2010 and aimed at overcoming the negative trends of our time - the mass decrease of the level of regional culture among young people. The project offers students fascinating museum programs, excursions, hiking trails, workshops and holidays, combining educational and recreational forms of studying the history of their region. The project was supported by the Ministry of education of the Ulyanovsk region, teachers of Ulanovsk, students and their parents. In the framework of the project in April 2012, there were conducted I Small Syitisky reading - first school scientific-practical conference on local history.

For active participation in the conservation, rehabilitation and restoration of architectural monuments of the city of Ulyanovsk, the urban environment, the Museum of the historical heritage Kotova IG was repeatedly awarded with letters of thanks of the Government of the Ulyanovsk region. For contribution to the conservation and restoration of monuments of Russian estate culture she was honoured by the Minister of culture and mass communications of the Russian Federation (2007), for her great contribution to the development of culture she was awarded with the Honorary diploma of the Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation (2009). For participation in the implementation of charity programs aimed at perpetuating the memory of the outstanding Russian writer, poet, philosopher, essayist and historian N. M. Karamzin (1766-1826) Kotova IG was awarded with the Bronze medal of the Centre of National Glory (2011).